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Ben provides personalized executive coaching services to leaders of schools, non-profit organizations, school districts and school boards.

Ben is the former Founder and Chief Executive Officer of a successful network of charter schools, New Orleans College Prep. Under his leadership, the organization grew from a single grade of 100 students in the first year, to 4 campuses serving 1,500 students from birth to 12th grade, with over 200 employees and a $20 million operating budget. Organizational achievements included:

  • Launched the city’s first “diverse-by-design” preschool, Hoffman Early Learning Center, innovating a new blended model of Head Start and tuition-based seats for birth to 4-year-olds, with tuition rates scaled based on household income. The preschool quickly became over-subscribed with a student population reflective of the economic and racial demographics of the whole city. Student outcomes consistently exceeded the city average and earned “Honor Roll” from the State Department of Education three years in a row.

  • Turned around Cohen High School from an “F” to a “B” in the first four years of operation. 100% of the first four graduating classes achieved college acceptance, with over $2 million in merit scholarships.  

  • Managed a turnaround at Crocker Elementary School that became the most improved public school in New Orleans in 2013-14. Raised student proficiency by 25%, improving the school from an “F” to a “C” in only two years.

  • Achieved 10 consecutive independent financial audits with unqualified opinions and no findings.  Built a cumulative fund balance reserve of over $2.5 million (16% of budget).

  • Raised over $6 million in private philanthropy.

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